Our children receive the Sacrament of First Reconciliation in second grade.
Children are prepared during their weekly group gatherings or at home in our Family Faith Formation program.
We utilize the Blessed First Reconciliation Program which includes a colorful workbook and short videos. Parents may sign up here to receive these lessons weekly via e-mail for reinforcement.
Parents of our 2nd grade candidates will gather on Monday January 9th, 2023 at 5pm in the Parish Ministry Center Community Room to discuss the Sacrament and the journey of preparation. Activities for the children will be provided.
We ask parents to be a good role model by going to confession and then sharing the joy of being forgiven. Here is an article about God’s gift of Forgiveness and the steps to make a confession. Your example helps to alleviate the fear and anxiety of our children. This sacrament is offered weekly on Wednesdays at 6pm or Saturday at 4pm.
An Advent Penance Service will be held on Thursday, December 15th, 2022 at 7pm and a Lent Penance Service will be held on Thursday, March 30th at 7pm where priests from other parishes along with our priest are available.
On Sunday, February 26th, candidates for First Reconciliation and their families are to attend the 11am Mass. Afterwards at least one parent and their 2nd grader will remain for a talk and tour of the confessionals with Father Joe.
Children will receive the Sacrament of First Reconciliation on Saturday, March 2nd, 2023 at 2pm in the church. Candidates must arrive by 1:45pm and will sit with their group.